For those of us that actually read the bottom of their lawyer‘s email you probably noticed the arcane “IRS Circular 230 Disclosure” that stated the advice contained in this email is not intended and cannot be used for tax avoidance purposes etc… You then probably thought to yourself, but I was just confirming lunch, what the heck does this have to do with tax advice anyway? Perhaps a little perspective is in order.

Circular 230 was the IRS’s compilation of regulations regarding tax services provided by lawyers and other tax professionals with respect to the tax shelter abuses of the 1990s. Circular 230 set the minimum standard with respect to written tax advice and therefore wound up being placed on everything.

Thankfully the IRS issued new rules on June 12 (click here for PDF of rule) which included the following statement; “Treasury and the IRS expect these amendments will eliminate the use of a Circular 230 disclaimer in email and other writing.” Good riddance and where are we meeting for lunch again?

The lawyers at Danziger Shapiro P.C. are always available to assist you with your business and litigation needs in a professional and cost effective manner. Having said this, it is with laughter I must include the following:

This entry is presented for informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute legal advice.

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